Get your audience to book 1-on-1 meetings with you using Call-to-Action

This guide will help you in redirecting viewers to book meetings using Call-to-Action feature

Written by FlutinLast update 1 year ago

With Flutin you can now convert your live-stream viewers into potential leads by getting your audience to book a 1-on-1 meeting with you using the Call-to-Action feature. Here's the full tutorial for it:

  • From the menu on your Flutin homepage, go to the "Call to Action" section

  • Paste the Calendar or Calendly CTA link in the field given under the "Add CTA" section and click on the "Fetch Data" button

  • You will be able to see the Calendar details fetched from the CTA link under the "CTA Details" section

  • You can change the CTA details like image, title & secondary description

  • Click "Add CTA" and the product CTA with its QR code will be added to the CTA list on the right side of the screen

To add this added calendar CTA to the live stream, please follow this link:

Here's our tutorial video to learn more about the CTA feature:

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