How to create an event page and promote it on social media?
You can create an event page for your upcoming live show. Get a shareable link for your scheduled event & create a buzz on social platforms to attract potential viewers.
Promoting an event allows you to create an event card on your Facebook as well as Youtube Profiles. Here’s how you can promote your event link:
Schedule an event on Flutin Live
When you publish the event, a pop-up will appear asking you to either share your event by clicking the "Share" button or promote the event by clicking the "Promote Event" button
When you click the "Promote Event" button, it will land you on the "Publish event on your social media channels" page
On the left side of the screen, you can see the social media channels where you can promote your event by ticking the "Check box" and on the right side you can see the "Event Card Preview"
Once you are done selecting the social media channels to create an event, you need to click the "Publish" button.
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