How to Use Flutin Free-Flow Studio (FFS)?
Add multiple elements like GIFs, Images, Videos, Stickers, etc in the form of layers using Flutin Free-Flow Studio (FFS) and customize your live stream in REAL TIME.
Here is a step by step guide on how to use Flutin Free-Flow Studio:
You can either schedule a live stream or directly go live after logging in your Flutin Account by clicking the “+ New Live Event” button.
Or, click the “Go Live Now” button to go live instantly.
After filling up all the necessary options and adding social media channels click the “Go To Live Studio” button at the bottom.
A pop will appear, select “New Free-Flow Studio(Beta)”.
Now you will be directed to Flutin New Free Flow Studio (FFS).
(Note : In case of “Schedule Live Stream” the option to choose Free Flow Studio will be given when the live stream starts.)
Now let’s get start customizing your live stream by adding elements like Gifs, Images, Video etc 🙂
In the bottom left side of your studio you will see “Add layer button”, click on it.
After clicking the add layer button a pop-up with multiple options will appear.
Click your desired option. (I will be selecting a Logo)
Now a “Your Media” box will appear on the screen.
Click the “Upload” button to add your desired element to your device. Choose the element from your device and click “Open”
Now your element will appear on Your Media.
Click on the element and then press “Add to Screen”
You can follow the same steps to add multiple elements to your live stream.
All the elements you have added to your stream will appear in the right panel of the studio under the “Layer” tab.
You can hide a specific element, and select the element on the Layer Tab. Click on the “Hide” button on the right side.
Viola! The Layer will hide from your live stream.
To unhide the element click the “Show” button.
To manage the layer order, click the specific layer or click the three-dot icon on the right side and drag the layer where you want it to be.
You can also crop the layer as you want and place it anywhere on the screen as shown in the Gif below

Watch the tutorial here:
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